Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 33 ans |
" Nous sommes tous dans le caniveau, mais certains d'entre nous regardent les étoiles. " Wilde
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Aarktica - Pure Tone Audiometry
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Gravenhurst - black holes in the sand
- #2 Below the Sea - Blame It On The Past
- #3 Mark gardener - beautiful ghosts
- #4 Lenola - The Electric Tickle
- #5 Thee More Shallows - more deep cuts
» Thibaut vous recommande :
![The American Analog Set [The Golden Band]](images/artistes/americananalogset/oeuvres/thegoldenband1082992483143096.gif)
![Valley Of The Giants [Valley Of The Giants]](images/artistes/valleyofthegiants/oeuvres/valleyofthegiants1086354460439853.gif)
![Mazzy Star [So Tonight That I Might See]](images/artistes/mazzystar/oeuvres/sotonightthatimightsee1087502880095307.gif)
![The Charlatans [Some Friendly]](images/artistes/thecharlatans/oeuvres/somefriendly1084897594921496.gif)
![My Bloody Valentine [You Made Me Realise EP]](images/artistes/mybloodyvalentine/oeuvres/youmademerealise1084459820041829.gif)

- Destroyalldreamers [À Coeur Léger Sommeil Sanglant]
- Readymade [All The Plans Resting]
- Hood [Outside Closer]
- Ee [For 100 We Try Harder]
- The Nightblooms [24 Days At Catastrophe Cafe]
- The Durutti Column [The Return Of The Durutti Column]
- A Certain Ratio [To Each...]
- Bertrand Betsch [Pas De Bras, Pas De Chocolat]
- Bertrand Betsch [La Soupe À La Grimace]
- Mazzy Star [So Tonight That I Might See]
- Medicine [The Buried Life]
- Valley Of The Giants [Valley Of The Giants]
- Teenage Fanclub [Thirteen]
- The New Year [End Is Near]
- Lloyd Cole & The Commotions [Rattlesnakes]
- The Charlatans [Some Friendly]
- My Bloody Valentine [You Made Me Realise EP]
- The Fall [A World Bewitched]
- The Walkmen [Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone]
- Galaxie 500 [On Fire]
- Ride [Nowhere]
- The American Analog Set [The Golden Band]
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