Profil Top 50 Statistiques
Inscrit depuis : le dimanche 18 avril 2004 |
» Charlie vous recommande :
![Queens Of The Stone Age [Songs For The Deaf]](images/artistes/queensofthestoneage/oeuvres/songsforthedeaf_1185557026417903.jpeg)
![The Stooges [The Stooges]](images/artistes/thestooges/oeuvres/thestooges1084574520695279.gif)
![Laura Veirs [Carbon Glacier]](images/artistes/lauraveirs/oeuvres/carbonglacier1088944547763930.gif)
![The Bikini Men [Stampede Party]](images/artistes/thebikinimen/oeuvres/stampedeparty1086089393048529.gif)
![Nirvana [In Utero]](images/artistes/nirvana/oeuvres/inutero1055142379425126.gif)

- Billy Childish [1914]
- The White Stripes [Under Blackpool Lights]
- Soledad Brothers [The Soledad Brothers]
- Hermano [Dare I Say]
- Kyuss [...And The Circus Leaves Town]
- The Bronx [The Bronx]
- Neil Young [Dead Man]
- The Zutons [Who Killed The Zutons]
- Meat Puppets [No Strings Attached]
- Midlake [Bamnan And Slivercork]
- Zeke [Death Alley]
- Sleater-Kinney [Call The Doctor]
- Laura Veirs [Carbon Glacier]
- Shoulders [The Fun Never Stops]
- The Germs [(MIA) : The Complete Anthology]
- The Bikini Men [Stampede Party]
- Nirvana [Live Tonight Sold Out]
- The Stooges [Raw Power]
- The Stooges [The Stooges]
- The Strokes [Is This It]
- Queens Of The Stone Age [Songs For The Deaf]
- The Stooges [Fun House]
- Nirvana [In Utero]

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