Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 23 ans |
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Asva - Presence of absence
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Seefeel - Succour
- #2 Master Musicians Of Bukkake - Totem Three
- #3 Kangding Ray - Automne Fold
- #4 American Football - American Football
- #5 Rachel's - Music for Egon Schiele
» Elbichon vous recommande :
![Tarentel [We Move Through Weather]](images/artistes/tarentel/oeuvres/wemovethroughweather1109687157613055.gif)
![The Go! Team [Thunder, Lightning, Strike]](images/artistes/thegoteam/oeuvres/thunderlightningstrike1112806327819837.gif)
![Gang Gang Dance [God's Money]](images/artistes/ganggangdance/oeuvres/godsmoney_1130462471861491.jpeg)
![Broken Social Scene [You Forgot It In People]](images/artistes/brokensocialscene/oeuvres/youforgotitinpeople_1124662521552306.jpeg)
![Interpol [Turn On The Bright Lights]](images/artistes/interpol/oeuvres/turnoffthebrightlight1025196405820421.gif)

- Envy [All The Footprints You've Ever Left And The Fear Expecting]
- The Dismemberment Plan [The Dismemberment Plan/Juno [EP]]
- Juno [The Dismemberment Plan/Juno [EP]]
- 1 Mile North [Minor Shadows]
- Jeronimo [12h33]
- Gang Gang Dance [God's Money]
- Broken Social Scene [You Forgot It In People]
- The Go! Team [Thunder, Lightning, Strike]
- Tarentel [We Move Through Weather]
- Interpol [Turn On The Bright Lights]
- The Smashing Pumpkins [Rotten Apples - Greatest Hits]
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