Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 26 ans |
Je n'ai jamais mangé de pyjama aussi doux que le tien.
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Dionysos "La Mécanique du Coeur"
- Playlist du moment
- #1 MudFlow "A Life on Standby"
- #2 Radiohead "In Rainbows"
- #3 Venus "The red room"
- #4 Bright Eyes "Digital Ash in a Digital Turn"
- #5 The Wedding Present "Take Fountain"
» TheOutsider vous recommande :
![Damien Rice [O]](images/artistes/damienrice/oeuvres/o_1192771718381632.jpeg)
![Radiohead [OK Computer]](images/artistes/radiohead/oeuvres/okcomputer1033243076159842.gif)
![Hawksley Workman [(Last Night We Were) The Delicious Wolves]](images/artistes/hawksleyworkman/oeuvres/lastnightwewerethedeliciouswolves1076507093444228.gif)

- Damien Rice [9]
- The Used [The Used]
- Radiohead [Pablo Honey]
- Dionysos [Whatever The Weather Live Electrique]
- Muse [Hullabaloo Soundtrack]
- Muse [Showbiz]
- Damien Rice [O]
- Hawksley Workman [(Last Night We Were) The Delicious Wolves]
- The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster [Hörse Of The Dög]
- Dionysos [Haïku]
- Dionysos [Western Sous La Neige]
- The Strokes [Is This It]
- The Music [The Music]
- Sonic Youth [Dirty]
- Sonic Youth [Murray Street]
- Weezer [The Green Album]
- Radiohead [Kid A]
- Radiohead [Amnesiac]
- Radiohead [OK Computer]
- Radiohead [Hail To The Thief]
- Muse [Origin Of Symmetry]
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