Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 21 ans |
"But the skylight is like skin
For a drum I'll never mend" (L. Cohen)
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 HF Thiefaine "Suppléments de mensonges"
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Mark Lanegan "Bubblegum"
- #2 Lou Reed "Coney Island Baby"
- #3 BRMC "Beat the Devil's Tatoo"
- #4 JL Murat "Le cours ordinaire des choses"
- #5 Dylan "Bootleg Series / Tell Tale Signs"
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![Leonard Cohen [Songs Of Love And Hate]](images/artistes/leonardcohen/oeuvres/songsofloveandhate_1233061162779061.jpeg)
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- Leonard Cohen [Songs Of Love And Hate]
- Bob Dylan [Love And Theft]
- Leonard Cohen [Songs From A Room]
- Neil Young [Chrome Dreams II]
- J. Tillman [Minor Works]
- Neil Young [Live At Massey Hall 1971]
- Jean Louis Murat [Le Moujik Et Sa Femme]
- Patti Smith [Horses]
- Neil Young [Are You Passionate?]
- Neil Young [Greendale]
- Neil Young [Weld]
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club [Take Them On, On Your Own]
- Coldplay [X&Y]

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