Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 15 ans |
Everybody let's rock...
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Bob Dylan Idiot Wind
- Playlist du moment
- #1 The YardBirds
- #2 Bob Dylan
- #3 Mike Watt
- #4 Nirvana
- #5 Alice In Chains
» Rockin' vous recommande :
![The Velvet Underground [The Velvet Underground & Nico]](images/artistes/thevelvetunderground/oeuvres/thevelvetundergroundnico_1184699787568021.jpeg)
![The Velvet Underground [LIVE MCMXCIII]](images/artistes/thevelvetunderground/oeuvres/livemcmxciii_1119967552079982.jpeg)
![The Stooges [Fun House]](images/artistes/thestooges/oeuvres/funhouse1071195756101257.gif)
![The Velvet Underground [White Light / White Heat]](images/artistes/thevelvetunderground/oeuvres/whitelightwhiteheat1071193458835757.gif)
![The Velvet Underground [Peel Slowly And See]](images/artistes/thevelvetunderground/oeuvres/peelslowlyandsee1104861704679228.gif)

- John Cale [Vintage Violence]
- The Stooges [Night In Destruction]
- The Velvet Underground [Peel Slowly And See]
- The Velvet Underground [VU]
- The Velvet Underground [Loaded]
- The Velvet Underground [LIVE MCMXCIII]
- The Velvet Underground [The Velvet Underground & Nico]
- The Stooges [Fun House]
- The Velvet Underground [White Light / White Heat]

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