Profil Top 50 Statistiques

Age : 21 ans |
Mon programme pour 2007 :
- Augmenter la concentration de sérotine dans la synapse.
- Doper la production par le cerveau d'endocannabinoide,ces substances chimiques procurant du bien-être et libérées dans certaines condition comme l'exercice physique.
- Inhiber les monoamine oxydases.
Beauty is momentary in the mind --
The fitful tracing of a portal;
But in the flesh it is immortal.
The body dies; the body's beauty lives.
So evenings die, in their green going,
A wave, interminably flowing.
So gardens die, their meek breath scenting
The cowl of winter, done repenting.
So maidens die, to the auroral
Celebration of a maiden's choral.
Susanna's music touched the bawdy strings
Of those white elders; but, escaping,
Left only Death's ironic scraping.
Now, in its immortality, it plays
On the clear viol of her memory,
And makes a constant sacrament of praise
W.Stevens-- Peter Quince at the Clavier
- A l'instant sur la platine
- #0 Okkervil River - Don'T Fall In Love With Everyone You See
- Playlist du moment
- #1 Sujan Stevens -- Come on Feel the Illinoise
- #2 Sonic Youth --Rather Ripped
- #3 Bach [par G.Gould] -- Toccatas
- #4 Popol Vuh - - Aguirre
- #5 A Silver Mt Zion - He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts Of Light Sometimes
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