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 Résidant à :  Paris 
 Inscrit depuis : le mercredi 08 mars 2006 

"Don't forget that I cannot see myself. My role is limited to being the one that looks in the mirror."
Jacques Rigaut

"Même quand on déballe tout, finalement on ne dévoile rien" Jane B. par Agnès V.
"Il avait tout. Ce qui lui manquait c'était la capacité d'en jouir"

Mes obsessions musicales : Pink Floyd, The Only Ones, AC, Gong...

I was nineteen when I came to town, they called it the Summer of Love
They were burning babies, burning flags. The hawks against the doves
I took a job in the steamie down on Cauldrum Street
And I fell in love with a laundry girl who was working next to me

Oh she was a rare thing, fine as a bee's wing
So fine a breath of wind might blow her away
She was a lost child, oh she was running wild
She said "As long as there's no price on love, I'll stay.
And you wouldn't want me any other way"

Brown hair zig-zag around her face and a look of half-surprise
Like a fox caught in the headlights, there was animal in her eyes
She said "Young man, oh can't you see I'm not the factory kind
If you don't take me out of here I'll surely lose my mind"

Oh she was a rare thing, fine as a bee's wing
So fine that I might crush her where she lay
She was a lost child, she was running wild
She said "As long as there's no price on love, I'll stay.
And you wouldn't want me any other way"

We busked around the market towns and picked fruit down in Kent
And we could tinker lamps and pots and knives wherever we went
And I said that we might settle down, get a few acres dug
Fire burning in the hearth and babies on the rug
She said "Oh man, you foolish man, it surely sounds like hell.
You might be lord of half the world, you'll not own me as well"

Oh she was a rare thing, fine as a bee's wing
So fine a breath of wind might blow her away
She was a lost child, oh she was running wild
She said "As long as there's no price on love, I'll stay.
And you wouldn't want me any other way"

We was camping down the Gower one time, the work was pretty good
She thought we shouldn't wait for the frost and I thought maybe we should
We was drinking more in those days and tempers reached a pitch
And like a fool I let her run with the rambling itch

Oh the last I heard she's sleeping rough back on the Derby beat
White Horse in her hip pocket and a wolfhound at her feet
And they say she even married once, a man named Romany Brown
But even a gypsy caravan was too much settling down
And they say her flower is faded now, hard weather and hard booze
But maybe that's just the price you pay for the chains you refuse

Oh she was a rare thing, fine as a bee's wing
And I miss her more than ever words could say
If I could just taste all of her wildness now
If I could hold her in my arms today
Well I wouldn't want her any other way

16 juillet : Animal collective (cigale)
23 juillet : Mahjongg (L'inter)
19 septembre : The revellions (Ch'sais pas où à St Ouen)
26 septembre : Cheveu (Mains d'oeuvre)
27 septembre : Père Ubu (maroquinerie)
24 octobre : The drones + Gravenhurst
4 novembre : Gong (Bataclan)
16 nov : Atlas sound (point FMR)
30 novembre : Yo la tengo (Bataclan)
12 déc : Wavves (Point FMR)
18 janvier : Deakin (point FMR)
25 janvier 2010 : Peter Hammill (maroquinerie)
31 janvier : Television personalities (Mains d'oeuvre)
3 février : Lou Barlow (point FMR)
5 février : The Kongsmen (Boule noire)
8 février : Kill for total peace (point FMR)
14 février : truc hommage à SF Sorrow (Gambetta)
16 février : King Khan & BBQ (point FMR)
22 février : Jean-Louis Costes (Cantine de Belleville)
25 février : The Parlovr & DD/MM/YYYY (Nouveau casino)
26 février : Aqua nebula oscillator (flèche d'or)
27 février : The Parlovr (L'International)
5 mars : Antipop Consortium (Arena à Viiienne)
26 mars : Spectrum (Point ephemere)
4 avril : Black mass rising (Java)
14 avril : Archie Bronson Outfit (Maroquinerie)
16 avril : New York Dolls (Trabendo)
19 avril : The Besnard Lakes
23 avril : ANTILLES (vers Bercy)
24 avril : Lydia Lunch (Batofar)
25 avril : soirée hippie (Bellevilloise)
1 mai : Hunx and his punx (Java)
5 mai : hunx and his punx (point FMR)
13 mai : Deerhunter (Maroquinerie)
24 mai : Wire (Maroquinerie)
27 mai : The Slits (Cafe de la Danse)
2 juin : Atlas sound (Cabaret sauvage) et Oneida, secret chief, fuck buttons etc en concert gratuit a la Villette Sonique
3 juin(?) : Acid Mothers temple

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El desdichado
Je suis le Ténébreux, - le Veuf, - l'Inconsolé,
Le Prince d'Aquitaine à la Tour abolie :
Ma seule Etoile est morte, - et mon luth constellé
Porte le Soleil noir de la Mélancolie.

Dans la nuit du Tombeau, Toi qui m'as consolé,
Rends-moi le Pausilippe et la mer d'Italie,
La fleur qui plaisait tant à mon coeur désolé,
Et la treille où le Pampre à la Rose s'allie.

Suis-je Amour ou Phébus ?... Lusignan ou Biron ?
Mon front est rouge encor du baiser de la Reine ;
J'ai rêvé dans la Grotte où nage la sirène...

Et j'ai deux fois vainqueur traversé l'Achéron :
Modulant tour à tour sur la lyre d'Orphée
Les soupirs de la Sainte et les cris de la Fée.

      » MrNovember vous recommande :
Rien pour l'instant !

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