Posté le 05 février 2013 à 15 h 12m 10s |
Concerts - [b]03.2013[/b] - Magasin4 - Brussels
[b]+ FRIDAY 01.03.2013[/b]
Post Hard Core / Math Metal
Cortez (SZ) + These Mountains Are Ghosts + Deuil
[b] + SUNDAY 03.03.2013[/b]
Grindcore / Death metal
Rotten Sound (FIN) + Martyrdöd (SWE) + Enabler (US)
[b] + MONDAY 11.03.2013[/b]
Noise Rock / Alternative
Don Vito (DEU) + Siamese Queens
[b]+ FRIDAY 15.03.2013[/b]
Fanfare / Ska / Rock / Punk
La Scaña del Domingo (FR) + Monty Picon (FR)
[b] + SATURDAY 16.03.2013[/b]
Noise Rock / Indie / Psychedelic
The Men (US) + Mong Dosus + OMSQ
[b] + SUNDAY 17.03.2013[/b]
Post rock / Black Metal / Doom
Long Distance Calling (DEU) + Solstafir (ISL) + Sahg (NOR)
[b] + FRIDAY 22.03.2013[/b]
Noise Rock / Sludge / Indie
Hey Colossus (UK) + Child Bite (US) + Coubiac
[b] + SATURDAY 23.03.2013[/b]
Indie Rock / Emo / Math Rock
Reiziger + Enemies (IRL) + Mnemotechnic (FR) + Croupier (IRL)
[b] + TUESDAY 26.03.2013[/b]
Female Vocals / Gothic Metal / Symphonic Metal
Visions of atlantis (IT) + Skeptical Minds + Souldrinker (DEU) + Serenity (AUT/FR/IT)
All infos :
Avenue du port, 51B
B-1000 Brussels
+32(2) 223 34 74