Posté le 22 avril 2008 à 16 h 25m 13s |
Micromusic LyonHQ & BRK
Présentent MICRO CHAOS PARTY v2.0
Live @ Marché Gare, Jeudi 08 Mai 2008 22h00-05h00
Circuit Electronique
22h30-23h15: Kotorep Krew (Live/ autoprod/ Lyon-KOTO LAND/ Stupidest hip-hop)
23h15-00h30: Jankenpopp (Live/Paris/ Zouk breakcore)
00h30-01h45 Eat Rabbit and the Bunny Crew (Live/ Micromusic LyonHQ/ Lyon-Cracovie/ spooky- electronica + vidéo)
01h45-03h15 Patric Catani (Live/ DHR-Wwilko/ Berlin/ breakcore-electro-noise-exp)
03h15-05h00 Rosa Park (Live/ DIY or DIE / Nancy/ Electro-Punk Emeutier)
& Le Crabe (Live/Coquillages et Crustacés/ Nancy/ BlingBling Breakcore)
22h00-22h45: Dj Babystiff + Dj Ratbeat (turntablism/ indé/ Lyon/ scratching)
22h45-00h15: Alto Clark (Live/ 1surG/ Lyon/ Diskore_electro 8bit)
00h15-01h15: Roundopready (Live/ Infect/ Lyon/ Extreme noise core)
01h15-02h30: Randomatik Blast (Live/ Peace Off-BRK/ Lyon/ Nu-Jazz, breakcore, jungle)
02h30-03h30: Infekta (Live/ transmutation/ Australie/ breakcore, jungle)
03h30-04h30: Unas (Live/ antisocial/ Suisse/ Chiptunes vs sexy barbarian growls)
Video: Kritikator / Marie Anglade Vs Stereotype/ Dernier Cri
Deco : Stereotype/ Thomas Canto/ Trackabs
Stand disques/ Teesh/ badges...
Entrée Gratuite & Cheap drinks.
Marché Gare 34 Rue Casimir Perier Lyon 2
Accès : Métro Perrache- navette 91 – T1 St Blandine
Partenaires : Marché Gare- MJC Perrache, Soda Bar, Hydro Kult, Marquis Body Art.
Info+++contact+++Mp3 http://breakcore.free.fr