Posté le 03 mars 2014 à 16 h 31m 25s |
April @Magasin4
[b]+ THURSDAY 03.04.2014[/b]
Surf / Garage Rock
Speedball Jr. + Steve Mackay (Iggy & The Stooges) (BE/US) + Double Veterans
[b] + SATURDAY 05.04.2014[/b]
Rap / Hip Hop
Fababy (FR) + Laïoung + DJ Substanz
[b]+ WEDNESDAY 09.04.2014[/b]
Blues Punk / Garage Rock
Gallon Drunk (UK) + The Holmes
[b]+ THURSDAY 10.04.2014[/b]
Industrial / Metal / Glam Punk
Punish Yourself (FR) + Doganov
[b] + SATURDAY 12.04.2014[/b]
Black Metal
Enthroned + Mortuary Drape (IT) + Archgoat (FIN) + Lvcifyre (UK) + Bestial Raids (POL) + Medico Peste (POL) + Possession
[b] + SUNDAY 13.04.2014[/b]
Sludge / Doom
Noothgrush (US) + Throw Me In The Crater (NL) + Angakok
[b] + WEDNESDAY 16.04.2014[/b]
Rock and Roll / Manouche
Electric Bazar Cie (FR) + Barlos Swing
[b] + THURSDAY 17.04.2014[/b]
Doom / Sludge / Down Tempo / Rock
Kongh (SWE) + Luik + Sunken
[b]+ MONDAY 21.04.2014[/b]
Country Punk / Independant / Americana
The Dinosaur Truckers (DEU) + Derek W. Dunn (US)
[b]+ SATURDAY 26.04.2014[/b]
DARKEN THE MOON V Doom Metal / Funeral Doom
Esoteric (UK) + Procession (CHL/SWE) + Indesinence (UK) + Marche Funèbre + Hemelbestormer + Fading Bliss
[b]+ TUESDAY 29.04.2014[/b]
Noise Rock / Indie Rock
Hawks (US) + Ventura (SZ) + Celebrate Your Mother
[b]+ WEDNESDAY 30.04.2014[/b]
Death metal / Grindcore
Aborted + Spoil Engine + Leng Tch'e + Crimson Falls
Infos : [url]http://www.magasin4.be[/url]
Avenue du port, 51B 1000 Brussels