Gods and queens(usa noise emo) @ Paris mer 9 nov

Posté le 20 octobre 2011 à 18 h 21m 44s

LOS PIRATOS présente

GODS AND QUEENS (USA-noise emo-robotic empire records)
Started in 2008 as what was supposed to be a solo project for guitarist Jamie Getz, Gods And Queens evolved into a fully functioning band.
Recording and releasing an LP on Robotic Empire (US) & Adagio830 (Europe) before they played a single show, Gods And Queens made no bones about the influence and directions they wanted to go. The reference of mid 1990′s bands such as Lungfish, Unwound, June Of 44,
Rodan, and Hoover have been a mainstay in the band's catalog of music.

DEATH MERCEDES (Paris - crust/screamo )
With members of Amanda Woodward, Ravi, Sickbag, L'homme Puma
Death play a style of music with metallic hardcore, crust, and screamo

ROYAL McBEE CORPORATION(Paris - duo noise- Swarm Records)
Savage indie rock duo! Only bass and drums!
Play loud and increase your adrenaline level!

Mercredi 9 nov 2011
La miroiterie
88 rue ménilmontant

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